Outdoor Vitals - Summit 20 Degree Down Sleeping Bag
Most customers that go from a synthetic bag to a down sleeping bag see weight savings of over 150%! Dropping from 8 pounds down to under 3 pounds all while not sacrificing any warmth!
What we have found is that most campers don't enjoy their camping trips due to their lack of quality gear to take care of them in the elements. However, the Outdoor Vitals Summit 20 is here to solve that concern. This bag was specifically designed around warmth, weight and price and we think we have hit a home run!
The OV-Summit gives you extreme warmth through its 1.2 lbs of high quality 800 fill power duck down insulation! This also translates into an extremely light weight, compressible sleeping bag. This combination makes it the perfect sleeping bag to toss in your backpack. Its tough outer nylon ripstop shell keeps it super durable while pushing away moisture that may land on the bag. The shell also does a great job at keep the bag from leaking any down filling. Around the head and neck you will find double draw strings and baffles that keep the warm air in and the cold out. The bag features high quality zippers that do an excellent job of keeping away from the fabric. You can also zip up from the bottom to give your feet area a little ventilation. At the bottom of the bag you will find hanging hooks for storage and drying. Overall, this is an all inclusive bag!
With Outdoor Vital gear we offer a Lifetime Warranty that protects you from defects in craftsmanship. Feel confident purchasing knowing that if the bag doesn't fit what you need, you have 30 days from delivery to return it risk free!
If your interested in getting a warm, light weight, affordable sleeping bag now is your time. Click "Buy Now" To get yours sleeping bag and Free Down Care Guide today!