Advanced VX 6" Refractor Telescope Packages -22020

Bundle and Save Standard with Revolution Imager


For planetary imaging and brighter deep-sky objects, many astroimagers say there’s no better choice than a refractor. Unlike Schmidt-Cassegrain or Newtonian telescopes that have a secondary mirror, refractors offer no obstruction of the aperture, giving you the highest possible contrast. This refractor setup features an f/8 objective lens, which can be paired with one of our Nightscape CCD cameras to image brighter deep-sky objects or our NexImage 5 Solar System Imager to create dazzling images of the planets.

About the Mount

The new Advanced VX mount was specifically designed to provide optimum imaging performance for smaller telescopes. Now your smaller telescope can take advantage of All-Star Polar Alignment and autoguider support. You’ll be able to track through long exposures using permanently programmable periodic error correction. Image across the meridian without doing a meridian flip, so you can seamlessly image the best part of night sky. Advanced VX features significantly larger base castings than our previous design, improving stability under heavier loads. Improved motors offer more torque and can handle slight load imbalances with ease.