This model is very convenient for camping and hiking, as it can be installed in just 60 seconds. Even if it is 10 'x 9', the instant hut tent does not need to be assembled because its poles are pre connected to the unit. All you do is expand and extend. Innovative dark rest technology can block sunlight, help you stay cool, and extend your sleep time. Multiple skylights with internal ceilings allow you to customize lighting and scroll backwards for star observation or additional internal lighting. This small house style 6-person outdoor tent has three large windows, allowing you to enjoy the surrounding scenery. It can be comfortably placed in a sleeping bag on the floor, and can accommodate two air cushioned beds or up to six campers.
- Easy to set in 60 seconds, no assembly required, pre fixed electric poles on the tent;
- Innovative dark resting technology, skylight with ceiling, and instant cabin tent that can accommodate 2 large air cushion beds;
- Including rain protection for factory sealing joints, 3 windows, including equipment attic and equipment organizer;
- Wire access, including handbag, including 9 steel tent stakes.