102mm Apochromatic Refractor - FCD-1 ED Triplet Essentials Series (ES-ED10207-02)

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The Explore Scientific ED102 Essential Series Air-Spaced Triplet Refractor Telescope is a true apochromat refractor that reveals our Moon’s stark chiseled craters, Jupiter’s orderly cloud belts and the blue-white stars of the Orion Nebula popping against the complex misty cloud they call home. The ED102 Essential Series Apochromatic Refractor will open up a treasure trove of night sky treats, and provide a solid optical platform to begin serious deep sky astrophotography. 

A nice compromise between portability and aperture, this versatile high-end telescope offers true diffraction-limited optics and has an objective lens size that performs well in lunar, planetary and deep sky viewing situations.

Featuring an air-spaced triplet optical design that virtually eliminates chromatic aberrations, this telescope generates brilliant high-contrast images by combining genuine HOYA FCD1 extra-low dispersion (ED) glass and proprietary EMD enhanced multi-layer coatings.

This does not come with any eyepieces. Comes with 2 extension tubes for the 2" rack-and-pinion focuser and the Explore Scientific 2N1 Finder Scope Base installed on scope. (Finder scope not included.)


Item Number ES-ED10207–02
Focal Length 714mm
Focal Ratio f/7
Limiting Magnitude 12.5
Resolution 1.14 arcsec
Tube Length w/ Dew Shield 30.5"; 774mm
Tube Length w/out Dew Shield 23.75"; 603mm
Diameter 119mm
Weight 9.6 lb; 4.4 kg
Dovetail Vixen


Limited Warranty is one year, which converts to the Explore STAR Transferable Extended Life of the Product Warranty when product is registered within 60 days of purchase.  to register.